Merrell and Life After Near Death


There’s no doubt that power, raw and inspiring stories are the best kind. The kind that really strikes a chord with its audience causing them to take action. We’ve been working with Merrell to provide our expertise in storytelling; delivering a content series that reveals some of the most inspirational tales from the trail. In the first of the series, we focused on a gentleman by the name of Dwayne Fields.

As a product of the tough streets of Hackney, Dwayne Fields knows more than most about the devastating effects of violent crime amongst young people in Britain.

At a time when gun and knife crime dominates the national news agenda following a rise in reported incidents, Fields believes he has the answer to break the cycle and help curb the number of shootings and stabbings in UK cities.

The man who went from a London estate to an Arctic explorer narrowly escaped with his own life after a gun shooting and a near-fatal stabbing. Fields feels violent crime doesn’t need to cyclical or that the next death of a young person on our streets should have a sense of cruel inevitability.

The adventurer works with young people from inner-cities to show them a way beyond a life of toxic violence, providing them with safe and inspiring experiences in the outdoors. This incredible story has been amplified across Merrell’s marketing channels including website, social and email as well as being distributed to the brand’s key retailers to utilise.

The story was also supported through our PR agency and a media partnership with OutdoorsMagic and Mpora.

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