How To Improve Customer Experience in 2024

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Always leave your customers wanting more! We all know the mantra and appreciate the importance of its message, but how do we achieve it? First step? Stop playing hard to get. You can propel your business forward and retain loyal consumers by establishing human-centric relationships with them. Level-up your bespoke customer journey experience and get to know your audience on a first name basis, and you’ll really benefit or you will simply get left behind. 

Forget dating technology, digital and data automation has advanced beyond belief, however, many companies are only just starting to scratch the surface when it comes to complete personalisation. If you still haven’t yet made the transition, or are simply a part-time player, maybe it’s about time to get serious about your customer experience.  

And if  you need help developing your data and customer relationship strategy? Get in touch! 

Improving customer experience:

Segmentation is key

What do you look for in your data? Whether it’s creating a social media advertising campaign or designing your EDM marketing plan, segmentation is the key to staying in your customers’ inbox. Ever been stuck in the dreaded spam folder? You may have every ‘Tom, Dick and Harry’ subscribing to your newsletter, but if their needs differ and you are sending them blanket emails, chances are it will be where your marketing efforts end up.   

Too hot to handle

Backtrack a few years, storing and segmenting large amounts of data was virtually impossible, and for many, too hot to handle. Fast forward to today, we have tools that can segment, target, and grow databases. The real maze for many marketers is figuring out how to best utilise these different tools to construct a personalised experience for each customer. 

Collecting data

GDPR may have thrown a road-block sized spanner in the works, but there are still many ways of collecting valid data. Buying data was so last season! High deliverable campaigns are the email marketer’s dream, which is why growing an organic email list is valuable to all businesses. Email marketing is indispensable, but if it doesn’t reach your customer’s inbox then there’s not much point. 

Create great content

Google, A.K.A. The answers to our greatest (and minor) questions and the hub of content should be your first point-of-call, review how Google crawls your data and how your content drives interaction and subscribers. 

It’s competition time! 

What’s more exciting than entering a competition? Running a lead-generation competition is an effective way to grow data organically whilst increasing brand awareness. For every person that enters the competition, you will receive valuable insight. Ditto customer surveys with a nice relevant incentive. 

Flattery gets you everywhere

You may think that the ship, filled with your previous purchasers, has sailed, but chances are they are still parked in the dock. Win-back emails can be your most powerful tool to drive back customers, plus it’s also a great way of clearing out your data.  

It’s all about the platform

What email marketing platform do you use? A good email marketing platform can help segment and tag your data, create customer journeys, automate emails, create and identify campaigns, and develop your CRM all in one place.  

It’s a Trigger!

We’re all about making life easy, and marketing as efficient as possible. Behaviour-triggered emails are real-time reactions to how customers are interacting with your content. The best part? You can literally sleep whilst reaping the rewards 24/7! 

Why do companies use customer-triggered emails? They are personalised, part of the customer journey and relevant to the consumer!

Create a plan: Organise your email triggers, by knowing all stages of the customer journey.

Setting up your workflow:  Set up the automations that you want to send your subscribers. Do you need help planning and organising your work flow? 

Measuring success:  Most tools will provide you with in-depth insights as to who has clicked, read and bounced off your emails. These insights will help you to refine your marketing process.  

If you need any help with planning, implementing or monitoring any part of your customer journey, from lead generation to EDM and website personalisation then contact us, we’re currently working with a number of brands, big and small, across many sectors to hone their customer communications and better define their data. 

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