What Is Lifestyle PR & How Does It Work?

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When you close your eyes and think of your go-to brand, you may be thinking of that sports brand whose shoes you consistently fall in love with, or perhaps it’s that fashion brand whose designs you’ve bought since school. 

Whatever the brand, it’s likely your enthusiasm for it is, at least in part, the result of a subconscious connection created by lifestyle marketing. It will, of course, also be about the utility of the product to you, but a strong influence will also be the lifestyle, feelings and inspiration that the brand communicates to you. As a lifestyle PR firm, this is the sort of loyalty you want to inspire in your customers and carefully nurture.

Lifestyle marketing supports positioning in a way that showcases brand values to your key audiences. It typically allows for longer form digital marketing ads that speak to the client in a much more meaningful way than the typical short form social media posting ad, giving your audience a more in depth look at what you have to offer – therein helping to create a connection between the brand and consumer. As a result, it has the ability to increase engagement and reach.

How lifestyle PR works:

Digital lifestyle

Communication gives ample opportunity to fully inform the consumer about your brand values. As well as communicating additional information that will appeal to your target audience and improve desirability of the brand.

Fresh ideas

The ability to create longer form ads allows for a more creative approach to the ad-making process, allowing you to use a wider variety of methods in crafting your campaign, paving the way for new promotions and marketing strategies. Adopting a multi tier, multi media approach can also ensure your consumer is the recipient of multiple brand touch points over the life of a campaign. By stepping outside and into the shoes of a target client, lifestyle marketing allows for a much more tailored experience between the brand and individual. By adopting the mindset of potential consumers, brands can create a campaign that strikes a connection much more immediately. Brands always need to keep current, be remembered for why they appeal and what want or need they fulfill. As a result, companies can encourage returning conversions and enhance those strong sub conscious connections.

Getting people involved  

One of the biggest perks of lifestyle brands is their ability to create a community.

Our new lifestyle client

Footasylum successfully creates a community with its customers around the shoes it sells. Events can better connect consumers and products. Creating memorable events such as these is a great way to improve brand affinity.

A master of this is another new client of ours, Monster Energy, owners of Reign Total Body Fuel. They’re experts at messaging exclusive experiences through content within their strategy, covering sports, esports, and music.

Display the product or work  

One of the best chances to succeed in lifestyle marketing is by using features across a popular lifestyle segment. This way, you and your brand can engage with high-profile individuals while teaching consumers about your products. The power of lifestyle marketing is encompassed by the ability to impact consumers’ way of life. With the overall goal to change the target demographics’ buying habits and behaviour.

People can envisage using your company 

Get individuals emotionally involved with your brand, by showing them how your business can impact their life. The goal of lifestyle marketing is to change how consumers see your product. Stylistic advertisements, powerful words, and individualistic captions can paint a picture of how your brand can add value. Consumers will be likely to see the benefits, which will make them inclined to engage with your brand.

If you’d like to hear what our lifestyle PR agency can do for your brand, get in touch with us today.

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