Channel 5 Selects Brandnation For Content Brief


Following a competitive pitch process, Channel 5, has appointed Brandnation to handle a press and influencer campaign to support the launch of the channel’s second season of its hit show ’10 Years Younger In 10 Days‘. The second season will consist of six episodes. Scheduled to air on Thursday March 18th at 9pm.

Creative Influencer Marketing

Brandnation will be responsible for supporting the new show with a creative paid influencer marketing strategy as well as providing tactical media support dedicated to the show, and working closely with Channel 5’s in-house team. Part of Brandnation’s campaign will include challenging talent to makeover a friend, partner or family member. The aim, to make them look and feel their best.  Designed to build targeted positive consumer awareness and engagement for the new season.

The new season will feature more jaw-dropping makeovers as a TV journalist, Cherry Healey, and her team have just 10 days to transform the looks and confidence of members of the public who look and feel a lot older than their years. This season, the cast will include nurses, carers, cancer sufferers, exhausted mothers, and a police officer. All of whom seem to have prioritised everyone else before themselves. Cherry and the team of dentists, stylists, and make-up experts set about their transformations whilst helping to tackle their confidence. The new series promises to be just as much about boosting self-worth as it is erasing lines.

The partnership

According to Claire Wigington, Head of Press at Channel 5,“We are looking forward to working with the team at Brandnation to build on the excitement that the first season generated. It’s a feel-good show which celebrates self-care for those who often prioritise others before themselves. We want to really get across the feeling of positivity that it evokes.”

Mary Killingworth, Brandnation’s Managing Director, “This is a really interesting brief from Channel 5. Designed to generate maximum noise for the new series which will be elevated through influencers.”

The first season of ’10 Years Younger In 10 Days’ aired in spring 2020. During each episode members of the public undergo 10 day’s worth of non-invasive cosmetic procedures as well as being treated to hair, make-up and fashion over-hauls, resulting in a transformation of their appearance. Next, They then take their new look to the public, following their makeovers. Which, is often dramatically lower than when they first embark on the journey.

The Brandnation account team for ’10 Years Younger In 10 Days’ will be headed up by Deputy Managing Director, Eva Frankel, supported by the agency’s influencer and beauty PR teams.

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