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The UK’s Most Haunted Bothy | Columbia

The UK’s Most Haunted Bothy Results 2m+influencer content views 20,000+influencer engagements 3mestimated coverage views 4national earned media hits Brief We …

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Lifting the Nation’s Spirits | Soreen

Lifting the Nation’s Spirits Results 9m+influencer content views 120,000+influencer engagements 10+earned media articles 4.4mestimated coverage views Brief Let’s face it, …

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Couple Play | LELO

Couple Play Results 100+influencers engaged 6.7minfluencer reach 120+pieces of social coverage 1celebrity podcast content partnership Brief LELO is a leader …

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The UK Launch ​| Bellissima Italia

The UK Launch ​| Bellissima Italia Results 12.08minfluencer reach 60+editorial pieces of coverage 2.06baudience reach 7.3morganic social impressions Brief Bellissima, …

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Beauty tech | Foreo

Beauty tech Results 4.4 million organic social reach within first 30 days 1 panel talk 12 live streams 25 influencers …

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Skin Therapy | Silk’n

Skin Therapy Results 6 months period key product was sold out 2 million organic influencer reach 400,000 video views 22% …

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